Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Aliens from Earth

This story originally started from a discussion on star light and time.
If the universe is young ( age < 10,000 years), then how is it we can see star light so many light-years away? Dr. Russell Humphreys had a theory based on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity that sought to answer this question. Although he states that it is currently flawed, it does provide an area to look at regarding this difficult topic to answer regarding cosmology. Where there is a concentration of mass, there is a warping of space and time. This is scientifically proven. Dr. Humphrey's theory assumes that the universe has a center and a concentration of mass near that center.Therefore on the outer edge of the universe, time would be accelerated while near the center time would move slower. The story takes place a couple hundred years after an experiment in hyperspace travel went wrong and several science and colonizing ships vanished. Mankind has continued to pursue space travel and developed a new method of space jumping creating quantum warp gates and setting up colonies on or above planets to obtain necessary resources for living. However, no extra-terrestrial life has been found, including plant life. Then one day a mysterious transmission is received claiming contact with an alien ship, but soon after it is silenced and all contact with the transmitting ship is lost. Space warships had been developed in anticipation of such an encounter and a small carrier and escort are sent to the last known position of the transmitting vessel to investigate. The wing commander on this carrier is renowned as a pilot and leader in space combat. The captain of the carrier is adept at his ability to command, to assess situations, and to rapidly plan courses of action. However, they are unprepared for what they are to encounter...

Who are these aliens? Why do some aliens ruthlessly attack while others seek to help? Why all of the medical exchange in information? Does the existence of these aliens demonstrate that God does not exist or that mankind came from some far away planet? If such things are true, then how about the Bible's claim that Earth and mankind are the center of God's creation? Why do these aliens have such advanced technology while humanity is so far behind? Could the reason be because of a time differential according to Dr. Humphrey's theory of Starlight and Time?

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